Manage my booking

Have you made a reservation and want to change it? You can find more information here.

Change ticket/arrangement

Do you have a reservation at Celest and want to change or reschedule it?
Click the button below and enter your booking number and last name. Then select a new date and time for your visit to our restaurant or cocktail bar.

Please note: It is not possible to cancel your entry ticket (Skyline Access). However, you can modify or reschedule your reservation.

Manage my booking


Accordion Content

It is not possible to cancel your entry ticket (Skyline Access). However, you can modify your reservation, such as adjusting the number of persons or rescheduling. Please note that the entry ticket is not refundable.

Click here and follow the instructions for further steps.

Tijden en locatie

Bekijk hier de openingstijden.

Gedempte Zalmhaven 20
3016 DT, Rotterdam

Times and location

Check here for the adjusted opening hours during our soft opening.

Gedempte Zalmhaven 20
3016 DT, Rotterdam